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Highlights of Kalpitiya Beach

Kalpitiya Beach

The Sinhalese chronicle Mahavamsa states that prince Vijaya landed in a place not too far from the present day Kalpitiya. A sandy headland which keeps the Kalpitiya lagoon sheltered from the Indian Ocean, the blue water with a calm surface beacons the kite surfers to try the breeze coming across the peninsular towards the land and enjoy a trouble free ride without the hassle of a sudden guest, which as every kite surfer knows can be a trifle more than tricky to handle on a board.
Kalpitiya is also the best place to see Dolphins and during the season you can witness Dolphin pods up to 1000 to 1500 members at most given times. We can arrange accommodation in a basic holiday cottage or a nice beach villa in Kalpitiya area or get a boat ride organised from Negombo and proceed to Kalpitya by sea, known hotspot for reef sharks, manta rays and occasionally turtles, in our opinion a week’s holiday here of snorkelling and diving will barely scratch the surface of what’s on offer.